세계보건전문가협의회, 코로나19 백신
'위험하고 비효율적' 선언한 NGO 자원봉사자가 스위스 로잔에 있는 로잔 대학 병원(CHUV)의 간호사로부터 실험용 백신 1회분을 받고 있습니다.
토바니 들라미니에 의해 2022년 2월 7일 발행
더반 - 토요일에열린세계보건위원회(WCH)의 백신 인과관계 이해 가상회의에서 정의의 대의를 옹호하는 것이 관심의 중심이었습니다.
백신 투여로 인체에 악영향을 미치는 경우를 대비해 의학, 법학, 과학 분야의 전 세계 전문가들이 옹호 경로를 탐색 했습니다.
그들은 일반 대중에게 주어진 백신과 다양한 부정적인 건강 영향 사이의 연관성에 대한 인과적 결론을 도출하려 고 시도했습니다.
WCH의 Mark Trozzi 박사는 회의를 소개하면서 코로나19 백신을 둘러싼 정보 버블을 탈독점화하는 측면에서 중요하다고
"지난 2년 동안 광범위한 연구를 한 사람들에게,
강제 백신 주사에 대해 아직도 . .
논쟁이 있다고 상상하기는 어렵습니다.
'그것들은 위험하고 효과가 없다'는 것이 제 의견입니다," 라고 트로치가 말했습니다.
이에 대한 자세한 내용 아동 옹호단체 의 반발에 따라, 보건부 장관은12-17세 집단 호소에 대한 백신을 조사하기 위해 위원회를 임명합니다
SA가 팬데믹을 관리하는 데 얼마나 노력했는지?
의무적인 Covid-19 잽을 거부한 직원이 해고에 대한 CCMA 도전에서 패배합니다
의무 예방접종을 놓고
뒷말이 엇갈리고 있습니다
"반면에 대형 제약회사와 그 동맹국 들은 특히 코로나19 백신으로 얻은 기록적인 이익을 감안할 때
무궁무진한 자원을 가지고 있는 것으로 보입니다.
그들은 정부와 기관에 대한 통제권을 얻었습니다.
이 회의의 목적은 정보에 대한 독점이 없도록 하고, 법이 모든 사람에게 평등하도록 하고, 인권을 보호하며, 제도적 무결성을 보장하는 것입니다."
*사벨로 시반다 변호사는
백신 논쟁에서 정의의 목소리를 차단하는, 정부와 민간 기업 사이에 "신성하지 않은 동맹"이 있었다고 말했습니다.
그는 남아프리카 백신 상해 기금의 예를 들어,
제조업체들은 주사가 심각한 부작용을 일으킬 경우 정부가 적어도 부분적으로 ?는 책임과 미래의 소송으로 부터 그들 (제약회사)을 보호해야 한다고 요구했습니다.
시반다는 "정부와 민간 부문 간의 신성하지 않은 동맹은 그 자체가 불법을 영구화하도록 고안된 법을 통해 사람들을 폐쇄시키고 있습니다,"라고 말했습니다.
"남아공의 맥락에서, 2021년 4월, 정부는 국가에 법으로 제정될 백신 보상 계획 제안에 대해 약 5일 동안 논평할 시간을 주었습니다.
적절한 분석에 따르면, 정부는 백신을 대량으로 출시할 시점에 있었습니다. 그렇게 함으로써, 백신을 복용했을 때 부상이나 해를 입은 사람은 누구나 의지할 수 있는 것으로 인식되고 따라서 보상받을 수 있는데, 이것은 표면적으로 좋게 들립니다. 그러나,
그 계획은 잽 관리에서 의사 결정의 중심에 있던 모든 사람들에게 잽으로 인해 야기된 공공 주장에 대해, 무죄를 선고하는 것이었습니다. (아악!)
"또한, 그 계획에서, 그 원인 요소는, 부상을 입은 사람이 어떻게 백신이 부상의 책임을 져야 하는지 증명해야 할 때, 법과 과학에서 문제가 되고, 궁극적으로 그들이 보상을 받을 수 있도록 문을 열어주는 척 하면서 그것들을 폐쇄해야 합니다. 그것은 그들에게 인과관계 측면을 불가능하게 만듭니다,"라고 시반다는 덧붙였습니다.
그는 노동자 보상 기금과 같은 계획이 의무적으로 백신을 만드는 것을 진전시키기 위해 사용되고 있다고 말했습니다.
"노동자 보상 기금도 이제 고용주의 압력으로 인해 잽을 날린 사람들이 그 기금을 통해 보상받을 수 있는 방식으
로 구성되어 있다는 것을 알게 됩니다. 이 기금은 결코 그것을 위해 고안된 것 이 아닙니다, 정부들은 그들에게 누구 의 백신 접종을 의무화하는 권한을 주 는 법이 없다는 것을 알기 때문에 그것은 현재 그러한 방식으로 조정되고 있 습니다.
그들은 그 후에 고용주들이 사람들에게
백신을 접종하도록 유인하기 위해
내부 절차를 사용하고 있습니다.
이것은 '사기와 부패'로 도전 받을 필요가 있습니다."라고
Sibanda는 말했습니다.
하루 동안의 마라톤 회의에는
18명의 세계적인 연사들이 참석 했습 니다.
CHO의 변호사이자 변호사인
샤브남 모하메드는 다양한 기관에 의해
수행된 연구가 백신의 부작용을 보여주 었다며,
이번 회의가 백신 원인을 이해하고 증명하는 데
도움이 될 것이라고 덧붙였습니다.
"연구, 피해자 및 전문가 인터뷰,그리고
세계보건위원회에서의 연구를 통해_
저는 사람들이 코로나19 주사로 부터
부작용을 경험하고 있다는 것을 깨달 았습니다.
'백신 부작용'
Enter fullscreen
Dr. Tess Lawrie Provides Exclusive Insight Into Her Conversation With Dr. Andrew Hill
Dr. Tess Lawrie: An insight into the conversation between Dr. Tess Lawrie & Dr. Andrew Hill, as published in Robert F. Kennedy’s book The Real Anthony Fauci
Dr. Tess Lawrie (MBBCh, PhD) is the Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd, and CEO of EbMCsquared CiC, an independent, not for profit, health-focused think tank based in the United Kingdom.
Tess Lawrie is also the founder of the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development initiative (now called BiRD International) and a co-founder
of World Council for Health.
This is an edited segment from the weekly live General Assembly meeting on December 20, 2021. The full meeting can be viewed here.
Here’s what WCH members, staff, and affiliates are saying about
Dr. Tess Lawrie’s presentation:
“Thank you Tess!!! You are a hero!!!💖 for Humanity…” -Zafeiria Kakaletri Greek Medical Freedom Alliance
“Tess you are a true hero thank you for your bravery. xx” -Emma Brierly
“Congratulations, Tess, on your courageous steps. Most important for humanity’s future.” -Charles Kovess
“Bravo bravo bravo, Tess, very brave and persistent!!!” -Stephan Becker
“Thank you Tess, you have been pivotal in making people aware of the efficacy of Ivermectin.” -Feisal Mansoor
“Thank you for shining a light on the evil that is there.” -Tina Peers
“Thanks Tess for your courage and ethics and standing up for people and their rights for safety and truth.” -Keren eg
“The world wouldn’t be the same without Tess Laurie!” -Paola Amaldi
“Thank you so very much Tess, from all of us, and from all good people in the world!” -Dr Mark Trozzi
“Bravo for your passion, persistence and courage, Tess!” -Laurent Goldstein
“Hat off to you Tess.” -Nathi Mdladla
“Thank you for shining a light in very dark places, Tess.” -Anne Mc Closkey
“I get goosebumps when Tess talks.” -Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg
“Bravo Tess, you’re a real hero of public health!” -Dr Pri Bandara
“Brilliant, thank you Tess.” -Sue Grey
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Tim says:
December 21, 2021 at 9:47 am
Dr Lawrie’s a beacon of hope, strength and courage. Unfortunately the video of her zoom call with Andrew Hill did not transmit well during this conference (frozen screen, sound cut). Is there any other way to see it? Short conversations like this could have so much more impact than long explanations. Thanks.
Majella Ruddock says:
December 21, 2021 at 6:29 pm
Hi Tim, I would definitely recommend reading the book.
Andrew Sercombe says:
December 21, 2021 at 9:51 am
Tess deserves a Victoria Cross for outstanding courage and bravery fighting for her country. I think most of us would like to have input into the Commendation! What an honest, trustworthy and caring woman.
Nikki says:
January 19, 2022 at 5:33 pm
Well said Andrew! I totally agree with your comment.
sandra fay says:
December 21, 2021 at 1:27 pm
literally love her passion and drive, it’s so evident she is the top of her profession. top 10 papers of all time. the evidence has been in plain sight thanks to the team of ivermectin researchers. Also shout out to dr carvallho for carrying out his amazing research, they so despirately try to debunk.. he is so passionate and has nothing but saving lives driving him
Hilda Richey says:
December 22, 2021 at 4:44 am
I see that you will provide a transcript. Thank you. It’s my hope that you will be either captioning videos or providing transcripts for them. Keep up the great work!
Rita Mitchell says:
December 22, 2021 at 2:33 pm
Tess, what a brilliant caring loving human. Thanks be to God for you.
Julie Ritchie says:
February 19, 2022 at 1:14 pm
Why is the transcript not available?
David Murray says:
December 23, 2021 at 8:35 am
Thank you Tess. I am ashamed of many of our colleagues but mighty proud of you.
Peter Bannister says:
December 24, 2021 at 9:41 pm
I am sure that I speak for many in saying that I was profoundly impacted by reading the transcription of what struck me as in many ways a tragic conversation with Andrew Hill when excerpts from RFK’s book recently appeared on the Children’s Health Defense website. In future generations this may well become a classic text of medical ethics, or any form of ethics, for that matter, as it somehow encapsulates the perennial struggle between truth and power. We owe you a real debt of gratitude, Dr Lawrie, for having shared not only this painful exchange but also now the supplementary material that demonstrates that Andrew Hill’s support for ivermectin was indeed genuine both and before your dialogue, but that he was sadly unable to extricate himself from institutional constraints that have ultimately stifled freedom of research with devastating consequences (my suspicion is that there may be many others in similar positions as this reflects a systemic problem). This having been said, the fact that UNITAID acted like this also suggests that, even had the meta-analysis been presented to the WHO with the original conclusion, those with a vested interest in suppressing interest in ivermectin would have stopped at nothing to do so in any case – as subsequent developments, including the FDA’s now-famous “horse de-wormer” tweet… have shown. I have just referenced both your conversation with Andrew Hill and interview with FranceSoir/BonSens in a French-language article that can be found here: https://www.laselectiondujour.com/merck-livermectine-et-le-molnupiravir-n1463/
John Doe says:
January 2, 2022 at 5:46 pm
Where is the full video of the conversation between Dr. Lawrie and Dr. Hill?
If what Dr. Lawrie says is true, it is huge. But extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Please, please upload the video in its entirety. Relying on a transcript and partial snippets from the video is not sufficient.
Gunnar Forsgren says:
January 5, 2022 at 12:15 pm
Scroll to 8:50 in the video above to see the video clip with Lawrie/Hill.
Allan says:
March 14, 2022 at 8:04 pm
You are misguided. The problem is not the dearth of “extraordinary evidence” because that exists but the recognition and acknowledgment of that evidence.
As an example, there is (and long has been) irrefutable “extraordinary evidence” right in front of our noses that a mafia network of manipulating PSYCHOPATHS are governing big businesses (eg official medicine), nations and the world — study “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” …. https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html
WHY is it that nearly all humans do NOT “see” and acknowledge this irrefutable “extraordinary evidence”? Meet “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room” ….
Tina279 says:
March 14, 2022 at 9:22 pm
The full video is available to view on Rumble.com and also on Oraclefilms.com
Helvi Moore says:
January 8, 2022 at 12:41 pm
I have been searching in vain for months to find a doctor in the UK who will prescribe ivermectin/hydroxychloroquine so that I can have it on hand, should I contract the virus. Can you help?
giovanna marino says:
January 24, 2022 at 6:06 pm
Dear Dr. Tess Lawrie
Ivermectine has the emergency use authorization.
They just don’t want you to know because they need deaths in order to promote their agenda.
I’m suing the NHS and would like to get in contact with you.
Best wishes!
giovanna marino
Zahra Khosravi says:
January 28, 2022 at 4:21 pm
Thanks, Tess. you brighten my heart.
Amanda says:
February 6, 2022 at 7:39 am
Is there any chance the recording of this conversation on zoom between Hill and Lawrie could be released?? Please ??? It’s like a smoking gun except some people don’t want to believe it.
M says:
March 11, 2022 at 4:34 pm
Watch Del Bigtree latest episode. They play the zoom calls.
Lasse Karagiannis says:
February 7, 2022 at 12:43 pm
Please upload the entire zoom call to archive.org because his action has laid the groundwork for a crime against humanity
john steiger says:
February 14, 2022 at 6:58 pm
As persistent as my wife! Keep at it Dr. Lawrie and thank you for exposing the evil!
Carolee says:
March 4, 2022 at 3:54 am
Thank you Tess! Your dedication to understanding the TRUTH and your courage to share it with the world is nothing less than heroic!! We pray this will be the stone that takes goliath to the ground!
Esther says:
March 6, 2022 at 6:37 pm
Thank you!
moe says:
March 11, 2022 at 11:46 am
Important work – needs to be taken up by MSM immediately and also we need to see a real ‘iteration’ within the so-called scientific ‘community’ around this – there are too many reputable and distinguished voices who are saying similar things. ‘Science’ has been destroyed by politics and money. Thank you again for your stubborn courage and compassion.
Molly Bonis says:
March 11, 2022 at 4:18 pm
Thank you, Godspeed
Nancy Groves says:
March 20, 2022 at 3:42 am
I’m appreciative to see this productive review if this question. I was listening to the BIRD session when the review was being voted up on. I couldn’t understand what was causing the meeting to awkwardly drag on. Then to not have a positive recommendation very quickly was terribly disappointing and was going to interfere with early treatment around the world. I’m pleased that formation of the “World Council on Health” came out of this awkward tribulation. We are all the better for this important outcome and to see that this was an example of clearcut corrupt influence. We are indebted to you, Tess, for your persistence.
Sherry B says:
March 20, 2022 at 7:47 pm
You are amazing Tess! Thank you for all your efforts to save lives & your fight against those trying stop treatment with ivermectin!
Tim says:
April 25, 2022 at 10:39 pm
God bless you Dr Tess Lawrie
You are an amazing lady, thank you for being an honourable human being.
Thank you and god bless you x
Wayne Bateman says:
May 16, 2022 at 8:44 am
I’ve only just realised the Bath conference has been cancelled.
Will this be relocated elsewhere?
lien says:
May 21, 2022 at 3:46 pm
Thank you so much, how do we get dr.’s from Namibia to join
Everyone here is so narrow minded and afraid of loosing their licences.
Ashley John says:
September 15, 2022 at 2:11 pm
Dr Lawrie
I would like to thank you for the reassurance that there are people within the health system that have not lost their Hippocratic Oath. I read your discussion with Dr Andrew Hill and it moved me to write to you. I have been a healthy person whom as never required medication, I have been told recently I am a lucky one, this all came to an abrupt halt this year when a colonoscopy result rushed me into surgery to remove 2/3 of the cancer that was receding in the colon. The only thing that changed was the 3rd booster shot that I was pressured into taking. During recovery, I am researching more about the effects and impact the vaccines are having. I just want to say thank you, my confidence and trust within the healthcare sector was at an very low point and then I read your January 19 Bird conference speech. Thank you, and all the best.
Alistair McIver says:
April 17, 2023 at 12:10 pm
Thank you Tess and all you other ladies for continuing to shed light and truth onto this terrible deception foisted on the world.
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영상들이 지워져서~~ ㅠㅠ
Dr. Tess Lawrie’s를 검색하여
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번역은 복사하여 각자 해보셔요
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